Information from the Forest Lakes Metro District

Owners Associations and Covenants:

Forest Lakes does not have a Property Owners Association. As well, regarding covenants, this last October, the FLMD Board of Directors passed Resolution 2023-05 that contained the following:

  1. The Forest Lakes Metropolitan District Board of Directors adopts the following positions:
    1.  The District does not currently have the legal authority to enforce and cannot enforce private covenants within the District.
    2.  Courts have determined that versions of private covenants recorded against properties in Forest Lakes are invalid, and it is unclear whether there are any valid covenants.
    3.  It is not the role, or in the best interest, of the District to issue legal opinions regarding the validity of private covenants within Forest Lakes.
    4.  Interpretation and enforcement of covenants is within the scope of authority of a property owners association and/or individual owners.
    5.  The District will not provide advice or opinions regarding the validity or applicability of private covenants within the District.
    6.  Owners should contact an attorney if they have questions regarding the enforcement or validity of covenants.
  2.  To avoid any further confusion, the District Board of Directors directs staff to remove all references to covenants on the District website and any and all public documents.

The bottom line is the FLMD provides only provides water, sewer, road maintenance, trash service, and mailbox. THERE ARE NO COVENANTS IN EFFECT AT FOREST LAKES!

Water and Sewer Fees:

No water or sewer tap is paid in full. Any monies that have been paid will be honored as credit towards current tap fees. For information on credits send an email to

Current taps are as followed:
Water tap – $8,500.00
Water connection – $1,500.00
Sewer tap – $8,500.00
Sewer connection – $400.00
Services impact fee is charged at $2.40 square feet of living space. (outside wall to outside wall)

Other Information:

Forest Lakes doesn’t have curbside trash pick up. There is a centralized dump facility.

Forest Lakes doesn’t assign mailboxes or issue keys. Please contact the Bayfield Post Office.

A $55.00 dollar transferee fee is charged at closing.

It is the responsibility of the buyer to make sure their property is at the correct rate with The District.

Forest Lakes bills a month in arrears, and money owed stays with property not owners. Please inform buyers to make sure the title company has collected all fees due and owned.

Frequently asked question, policies, and District calendar can be found at