Durango Planning Commission approves reconfiguration of Planning Commission, Design Review Board and Board of Adjustment

The Durango Planning Commission (PC) recommended  approval of the creation of a Community Development Commission (CDC).  If approved by City Council, this means reconfiguring the Planning Commission, the Design Review Board, and the Board of Adjustment.  The CDC is proposed to have 7 members and one alternate member.  

The PC also recommended approval to updates to hearing procedures related to the type of project being reviewed. Replats, final development plans and minor planned development amendments would be under the purview of the CDC rather than City Council.  

Also, the PC recommended approval of changes related to Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU). They include clarifying integrated ADU shared wall requirements, parking requirements, and floor area calculation for detached and integrated ADU living spaces.  (There are NOT changes to the minimum lot size, design standards, or owner-occupancy requirements for ADUs.)

More Information Here: PC LUDC Text Amendments