City of Durango Property Updates

  • Durango City Councilors approved the sale of a parcel at the corner of College Dr and Camino del Rio  back to the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad for $4.3 million. The City purchased the parcel from the Railroad back in 2002 for $2.5 million after Railroad officials approached the City to raise funds. The Railroad retained the right to repurchase the property if the City ever decided to sell. Proceeds from the sale will go back to the Transportation Enterprise Fund. 
  • In addition, City Council approved the first consideration of an ordinance to buy a parcel of land in the Rivergate planned development area located on Sawmill Road across from State Highway 3. The land would be used to develop future affordable and workforce housing using funds the city received from the American Rescue Plan Act during the COVID-19 pandemic.