2016 Annual Grant Awards

The Helping Hand Community Service Committee of the Durango Area Association of Realtors raised $16,800 during the 18th Annual Helping Hand Golf Tournament.  They had plenty of help with 25 teams, 19 hole sponsors, and 14 other special category sponsors.  Thanks to these sponsors, teams and businesses for supporting the fifteen nonprofit organizations from La

2017 Annual Grant Awards

The Helping Hand Community Service Committee of the Durango Area Association of Realtors raised $22,000 during the 19th Annual Helping Hand Golf Tournament.  They had plenty of help with 25 teams, 19 hole sponsors, and 14 other special category sponsors in addition to the many businesses around town who donated silent auction items.  Thanks to

What’s the difference between DESIGNATIONS and CERTIFICATIONS?

The National Association of Realtor’s Center for Realtor Development explains both education options as two different choices of credentials. The Merriam-Websters Online dictionary defines credentials as “1:something that gives a title to credit or confidence; also :qualification 3a the applicant with the best credentials  2. credentials plural :testimonials or certified documents showing that a person is entitled to credit or has a right to exercise

NAR Code of Ethics Training

About NAR Code of Ethics Requirements The National Association of Realtors (NAR) requires all active agents to take an approved Code of Ethics course on a biennial cycle.  Please note that this course requirement has nothing to do with your licensing cycle. The course does not have to be one for CE credit.  There is a free